Inspection from a Roofer in Des Moines: What it’s All About

by | Dec 19, 2016 | Roofing


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When you call upon roofers to inspect your roof, whether it be for a new home you’re considering buying or a home you’ve lived in for years, you may want to know just what it is the roofer is supposed to be helping you look for. What types of things does he or she check, why does he or she check them, and how does that help you in the long run? Here are a few of the things that the roofer will look for during a roof inspection.

Does the Roof Need Replacing?

Most obviously, a Des Moines roofer will look to see if a roof needs replacing. If the shingles on the roof are no longer serving their purpose, either because they’ve dried out or have been damaged, then a roofer may recommend roof replacement. This may be especially true if any interior damage has occurred due to the instability of the roof, such as mold growth, leaking, or interior and exterior decay.

Is it Energy Efficient?

In this day and age, energy efficiency is everything. When a roofer in Des Moines is called upon for a roof inspection, he or she won’t just look at the roof itself. The roofer will check the shingles, windows and siding of the home to ensure that it is all well ventilated. If it isn’t well ventilated, your cooling system could be running excessively or heat could be trapped within the house during warm weather, which can result in high energy costs.

How Much Will It Cost?

Overall, a professional will also be able to provide the costs of repairs needed to fix the roof and any other problems that may have resulted from its failings. He or she will go over each of the problems that a home faces and possible solutions. And while most roofers will charge for roof inspections, some will deduct that charge if you decide to go about repairing your roof through their roofing company.

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