Mold and mildew are simple microscopic organisms called fungi; they live anywhere there is a damp environment. As much as people want to eliminate mold, it actually is a necessity, without it leaves and other organic material would not rot and soil enrichment would...
Phineas Gray
How to Clean Mohair Upholstery
Mohair upholstery uses yarn and other fabric made of hair extracted from angora goats. This hair is primarily made up of keratin, which is described as having a silk feeling. Like many other forms of upholstery, mohair upholstery has its own advantages and...
Why Kitchen Remodeling Businesses Are on the Rise
Although the economic downturn stalled real estate transactions, one surprising development is that homeowners are spending more money on remodeling projects. When you think about it, this occurrence makes sense. Homeowners who cannot afford to move to a new home may...
The Benefits of Fabric Wallcovering
There are so many products available to use when it comes time to update the look of your office or home walls. Being able to find one that offers durability and allows you to experiment with your creative side is as easy as choosing a fabric wallcovering from Wolf...
What Is Rising Damp Treatment?
By taking on ownership of a home, you are taking on the responsibility of maintaining the home and all of the systems contained within it. There are a variety of different problems and repairs that can arise in a home, but none of them are more potentially damaging...