If a home’s foundation is cracking or experiencing drainage problems in Mississippi, a fully accredited foundation repair company like Ewing and Ray Foundation Services Inc. can take care of this and a full range of other foundation problems. Homeowners should be sure the foundation repair company they select is certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and that the company is licensed by the relevant state board for contractors. Towns and counties issue licenses to contractors for a fee without otherwise establishing the contractors’ expertise or competence, but state-certified contractors must pass a construction proficiency test as well. Visit Ewing and Ray’s website.
Although the foundation is the strongest part of the house, it can be subject to cracks or other Drainage Problems in Mississippi from a variety of causes. Over time, trees on the homeowner’s property will grow, and as the root systems grow along with the tree, the soil density around the house’s foundation can change and cause the foundation to shift and tilt, resulting in cracks in a foundation that’s no longer completely level. Flowerbeds and other landscaping projects can contribute to this shifting and foundation misalignment as well. Regular foundation inspections can detect this shifting before it becomes an expensive problem in a few years’ time.
A foundation repair company should offer both shallow and deep repair, depending on the foundation’s specific problem. Underpinning extends a foundation to deeper, more stable areas around the existing foundation. If a foundation has shifted significantly, pressure grout pumping under a foundation can fill in the empty spaces caused by lifting and re-leveling it. Supplemental footing can redistribute a home’s weight on the foundation if shifting over time has caused the foundation to become unbalanced.
For new homes and office buildings, many foundation repair companies also offer foundation construction. New foundations must reach below the shallow “active zone” soil to the deeper, more stable soil zones, which are much less likely to be affected by weather soil damage or other changes to the property over time. Foundation installation work should be performed by an accredited, tested, and state board-certified company rather than by a town- or county-licensed contractor.