Commercial and Residential Plumbing Repair Jacksonville FL Saves Money

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Plumbing


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Commercial plumbing services in Jacksonville include new installations, repairs and maintenance of all plumbing in factories, offices and restaurants. All plumbing needs in a commercial kitchen are covered. Backflow installs, track work and re-piping are available. Repairs for major appliances and grease traps help the kitchen run smoothly and efficiently. High-pressure water jet drain cleaning equipment make maintenance quick and thorough. Plumbing repair in Jacksonville FL will also keep commercial bathrooms operational and capable of handling high volume. Most companies have service coupons for repairs or inspections, so check to see which place has a coupon for the repair you happen to need at any given time.

Residential services also include installations, repairs and maintenance, along with replacements and remodels of kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms. Residential Plumbing repair Jacksonville FL will help you save money on utility costs. Clean pipes and drains, combined with appliances running at their best, save energy and reduce the amount spent on daily chores. When a replacement is required or you are remodeling, consider simple things that you can do to save money and conserve energy at the same time. For instance, the water heater is the third largest consumer of energy in your home. Is yours older and struggling to heat enough water for your family? If so, you are paying more money than you should to heat water. You can, at the least, insulate the one you have or, at best, replace it for a newer, more energy efficient model.

A Plumbing company Jacksonville FL can let you know what further changes you can make to save money and energy. Take toilets for example. An older one uses four gallons of water per flush. Today, there are toilets that use 1.6 gallons of water per flush and some use as little as one gallon. Shower heads that are older use up to eight gallons of water per minute. Think about that. A quick 15 minute shower can use as much as 120 gallons of water. Update to a new shower head and you will use two gallons of water per minute. That is a big savings all the way around.

For Residential and Commerical Services Contact American Plumbing Contractors, Inc.

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