Reflecting Roofs
To begin with, cool roofs can significantly reduce a building’s cooling costs. The cool roofs cut air conditioning costs by 15-percent or more, mitigates the urban heat Island effect, and reduces air pollution and greenhouse gases. While some of the savings realized...
Should the Homeowner Consider New Roofing in Carver, MA?
While residential roofs are built to last for decades, the day will come when the old roof has to go and a new one must be installed. Knowing that it will not be much longer before something needs to be done allows the homeowner to plan accordingly. Here are some...
Talk to a Professional About Commercial Roofing in Jacksonville, FL
If you have a commercial roof, it may be a flat roof. This type of roof design often does not need replacement for a long time. However, once your roof starts to collapse or fail, you need to contact a commercial professional. Find a Roofer Who Works with Your Flat...